Work Packages

Schematic illustration of the relationship between the IDEA-FAST WPs
WP1 incorporates overall Project Coordination, Project Management, Financial Management and Risk Management for the project. This includes compilation of reports and other deliverables for submission to IMI, development of strategies and long-term project plans, […]
WP2 provides the critical clinical knowledge and patient insight needed to deliver all project objectives. The WP2 leadership will coordinate a Clinical Knowledge and Insight Task Force (CKI-TF) that will include: (i) patient partners; […]
WP3 is responsible for optimization of the selected digital devices to the project needs, facilitating the implementation and use of digital hardware devices and accompanying software (or applications) in the clinical trials. WP3 will […]
The IDEA-FAST datasets are expected to be heterogeneous, large-scale and highly complex. WP5 will establish the state-of-the-art data management environment to address the needs of data standardisation, integration, sharing, analysis and archive for the […]
WP6 is responsible for the operational management of the CVS. Partner ECRIN will work closely with the Sponsor and the lead CTU (both UKSH), the clinical leads, the CKI-TF, the technology partners, WP8 (especially […]
WP8 provides the critical input to issues arise from the project in relation to the areas of data privacy/protection, legal, ethical and other relevant regulations, and ensure compliance. Patient data within IDEA-FAST is only […]
To ensure maximal impact, WP9 activities will run concurrently with the activities of WP2-7 as part of an iterative process, harnessing the substantial clinical and regulatory expertise present within IDEA-FAST through the Exploitation and […]