George Huntington Institute GmbH (GHI) Münster

General information

The George-Huntington-Institute (GHI) located in Münster, Germany is devoted to clinical care and preclinical and clinical research in Huntington’s disease (HD). GHI entertains one of the largest HD out-patient clinics for symptomatic and premanifest gene carriers, persons at-risk and caregivers around the world. GHI offers participation in ENROLL-HD, HD-Clarity and multiple clinical trials aimed at improving therapeutic options for HD.

Research focus /
Clinical expertise/
Key personnel

Prof. Ralf Reilmann and his research group at GHI are fully focused on clinical and preclinical research in Huntington’s Disease. He is the founder of the institute, and the main line of research of his group focuses on the development of objective and quantitative motor (“Q-Motor”) outcome measures for clinical trials.


Involved in the feasibility study as a clinical site representing the HD part of the study. Takes part in:

– Providing clinical insights to the selection technologies
– Design of the COS.
– Integrate views and opinions of patients
– Lead and coordinate the activities of the HD partners in the preparation and conduct of the COS

Feasibility study recruitment

Clinical validation study recruitment

Target recruitment:

• Huntington’s disease – 35
• Healthy controls – 35

Contact details

If you’re interested in participating in the IDEA-FAST Clinical Observation Study, feel free to contact us for further information through the IDEA-FAST website.