Medizinische Universität Innsbruck (MUI)

General information

MUI is the most important educational and medical research facility in Western Austria. Its main objectives are to provide top quality teaching, training and research as well as continuous advancements in top-flight medicine. Building on its international visibility in the field of clinical trials (both industry-sponsored and investigator-initiated) and scientific projects in a variety of research areas, and the availability of a Clinical Trial Coordination Centre (CTC), MUI specifically wants to enhance its activity in the field of academic clinical studies

Research focus /
Clinical expertise/
Key personnel

Prof. Klaus Seppi is Deputy Director of the Department of Neurology at the Medical University Innsbruck (MUI) and holds a Professorship for Neurology with a focus on Movement Disorders at MUI. His research group’s activity mainly focuses on evidence based medicine, clinical trials and biomarker research especially clinical and neuroimaging markers


Involved in the clinical observational study:

– Recruitment of patients;
– Coordinating study management at the site
– Ensuring compliance and principles of GCP during conduct of the study

Feasibility study recruitment

Clinical validation study recruitment

Target recruitment:

• Parkinson’s disease – 70
• Huntington’s disease – 35
• Healthy controls – 5

Contact details

If you’re interested in participating in the IDEA-FAST Clinical Observation Study, feel free to contact us for further information through the IDEA-FAST website.