49 Foundation Lygature (LYG)

Lygature is a not-for-profit organization based in the Netherlands. It drives the development of new medical solutions for patients by managing public-private partnerships involving academia, industry and society. Every day, Lygature brings together people in many different disciplines and organizations – to pioneer solutions in medical technology and pharmacotherapy, and to serve patients worldwide.

Main tasks in the project:
LYG will execute the tasks as described in WP8. In essence those are (many of those tasks are performed in close collaboration with partner TMF):

  • to provide legal and ethical advice to the other partners;
  • assist in and oversee compliance with data protection;
  • draft reports about the necessary measures in order to achieve compliance;
  • coordinate the necessary Data Protection Impact Assessments;
  • assist TMF with the ELAB (ethical and legal advisory board);
  • research into digital devices and personal freedom;
  • research into the interplay of digital devices, patients and a learning health care system in general.