New Paper Published on Fatigue and Sleep Assessment through Digital Wearables
Our newly published research presents results on using wearable sensing technology to assess fatigue and sleep in patients with chronic diseases. The article provides clinicians with insights on monitoring patients in the natural everyday settings of a patient’s daily life. In the future, wearable sensors could capture the effect the disease has on the patient’s […]
First IDEA-FAST Hackathon
Thursday and Friday ( November 5 and 6) saw the running of the first IDEA-FAST Hackathon. It was a great success with 25+ participants from across Europe, spanning 8 partner organisations and 5 work packages. We saw key advances in an App for Clinical Site Professionals, on Data Analytics from Different Types of Wearable Devices, […]
The IDEA-FAST feasibility study – Finding the most promising digital measures for sleep disturbances and fatigue
The aim of the feasibility study, which started in July this year, is to gather information on a variety of potential digital measures captured with different devices and their ability of reflecting sleep disturbances or fatigue. Apart from comparing data between different measures from patients with neurodegenerative disorders or immune-mediated inflammatory diseases as well as […]
New Blog on feasibility study
The IDEA-FAST Blog has published its first contribution from Kirsten Emmert on the feasibility study: The IDEA-FAST feasibility study – Finding the most promising digital measures for sleep disturbances and fatigue
Feasibility Study achieves ethical approval for recruitment
For the Feasibility Study, the four pilot centres – University of Newcastle upon Tyne (UK), Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein (GER), Erasmus Universitair Medisch Centrum Rotterdam (NL), and George-Huntington-Institut (GER) – have now all received ethical approval for recruitment. Some of the sites have already been actively recruiting and training participants and now the remaining centres can start […]
Enhancing the monitoring and evaluation of sleep
A study involving a key member of the IDEA-FAST [1] consortium presents new benchmarks to support the continued development of systems that enable healthcare practitioners to better manage patients with sleep disorders. The findings, which highlight the value of digital measures correlated from multimodal sensor data, add impetus to IDEA-FAST’s aim to generate digital measures […]
Update on data management platform
The IDEA-FAST data management platform first release is now live. The platform has been deployed and is ready to receive data collected from the Feasibility Study.
Getting started with the Feasibility Study
After the successful Kick-Off meeting in Newcastle in February, the IDEA-FAST team worked hard to make the vision of the feasibility study come to life. Thanks to the device testing team, we were able to agree on the most promising devices to be included in this study in the beginning of April. Within four to […]
IDEA-FAST Kick-Off Meeting
The project kick-off meeting was organised by Newcastle University and was held at the Newcastle United Football Club. Fai Ng and Fred Baribaud described the concept & approach for the project and strategies for identifying digital endpoints and presented the project implementation including governance structure, WPs and their interaction. Colm Carroll presented the role of […]
Press Release
Newcastle upon Tyne, February 05, 2019 – A new European research project to Identify Digital Endpoints to Assess FAtigue, Sleep and acTivities of daily living (acronym: IDEA-FAST) in the following neurodegenerative disorders (NDD): Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s disease and in the following immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMID): rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, primary Sjögren’s syndrome, and […]